Our newly designed TLPFUM-2029 units are constructed with heavy-duty solid steel, featuring a bright animated 12-inch display, two T-handle tubular locks with proprietary anti-vandal measures, including resistance against forced-entry attacks with specially designed access doors and concealed hinges. The Laundry Pass add-value stations are designed to service high-volume traffic with ease through the use of a unique contactless card reader, that enables fast turnaround through RFID technology.

Value can be added through the credit card swiper or the included bill acceptor, configurable to accept $1, $2, $5, $10 and $20 bills, and upgradeable to accept $50 and $100 bills. The bill acceptor is capable of storing up to 500 bills, and can be upgraded with a high-capacity stacker to store a large number of bills. A card dispenser is also available to sell laundry cards to your clients, without wasting your time.

TLP2029 BDC product sheet  [PDF]
TLP2029 BDC specifications  [PDF]
Model configurations  [PDF]